Empirical Contexts


New Venture Teams

Open Innovation Communities

Corporate Innovation Teams

  • Gersdorf, T., He. V. F., Schlesinger, A., Koch, G., Widmer, H., & von Krogh, G. (2019) Demystifying industry-academia collaborations in drug discovery. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 18, 743-744.

  • Wedl, C., Ben-Menahem, S., He, V. F., & von Krogh, G. (2018) What is innovation anyway? Creation of coercive and formal control for innovation processes. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Best Paper Proceeding.

  • He, V. F., von Krogh, G., Sirén, C., & Gersdorf, T. Goal divergence and team conflict asymmetries in university-industry collaboration. 2nd R&R in Research Policy

  • Wedl, C., Ben-Menahem, S., He, V. F., & von Krogh, G. The coevolution of formal control and innovation strategy. 1st R&R in Administrative Science Quarterly.

  • He, V. F. & von Krogh, G. When does expertise diversity hinder knowledge creation? Evidence from pharmaceutical research collaborations. Under review in Organization Studies.

  • Tinguely, P., Ben-Menahem, S., He, V. F., & von Krogh, G. Creativity under time pressure. Under review in Journal of Applied Psychology.

  • Tinguely, P., He, V. F., Ben-Menahem, S., & von Krogh, G. (2020) The relation between mentor-protégé LMX disagreement and protégés’ turnover intentions. Working Paper [Won the AoM OB Division Best Dissertation-Based Paper Award, Vancouver, 2020]