My research centers around collaborative organizing in three innovation-related contexts: new venture teams, research and development collaborations, and open-source software communities. The conceptual foundation of my work lies in the intersection between organizational theory and organizational psychology.
Employing a broad spectrum of methods ranging from grounded theory to machine learning, my empirical studies focus on the fundamental challenges to collaboration, including goal asymmetry, information asymmetry, and conflict. I am particularly interested in the mechanisms that replace formal authority in addressing these challenges. My recent research focuses on how digital technologies shape the dynamics of collaboration (human-human or human-AI) and offer solutions to old and new challenges.
Academic Journal Articles
*Wesemann, H., Sirén, C., He, V. F., Grichnik, D., & Wincent, J. (2024) The two faces of hierarchy: CEO power and TMT learning diversity in technology venture innovation. Small Business Economics.
He, V. F., Tröbinger, M. & Murray, A. (2024) The crowd beyond funders: An integrative review of and research agenda for crowdfunding, Academy of Management Annals.
He, V. F. & Puranam P. (2024) Some challenges for the “New DAOism”: A comment on KlimaDAO, Journal of Organization Design.
Tinguely, P., Lee, J.-H., & He, V. F. (2023) Designing human resource management systems in the age of AI. Journal of Organization Design.
Clarysse, B., He., V. F., & Tucci, C. (2022) Special issue editorial: How the Internet of Things reshapes the organization of innovation and entrepreneurship. Technovation, 118, 102644.
He., V. F., von Krogh, G., & Sirén, C. (2022) Expertise diversity, informal leadership hierarchy, and team knowledge creation: A study of pharmaceutical research collaborations. Organization Studies, 43(6), 907-930.
He., V. F., von Krogh, G., Sirén, C., & Gersdorf, T. (2021) Asymmetries between partners and the success of university–industry collaborations. Research Policy, 50(10), 104356.
Shrestha Y. R., He, V. F., Puranam P., & von Krogh, G. (2021) Algorithmic induction through machine learning: Can we use prediction models to theorize? Organization Science, 32(3), 856-880. (Shared first authorship)
He, V. F., Puranam P., Shrestha Y. R., & von Krogh, G. (2020) Resolving governance disputes in online communities: A study of license decisions in open source software projects. Strategic Management Journal, 41(10), 1837-1868. (Shared first authorship)
Sirén, C., He, V. F., Wesemann, H., Jonassen, Z., Grichnik, D., & von Krogh, G. (2020) Leader emergence in nascent venture teams: The interplay between individual emotion regulation and team emotions. Journal of Management Studies, 57(5), 931-961.
Gersdorf, T., He. V. F., Schlesinger, A., Koch, G., Widmer, H., & von Krogh, G. (2019) Demystifying industry-academia collaborations in drug discovery. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 18, 743-744.
He, V. F., Sirén, C., Singh, S., Solomon, G. T., & von Krogh, G. (2018) Keep calm and carry on: Emotion regulation in entrepreneurs’ learning from failure. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 42(4), 605-630.
Späth, S., von Krogh, G., & He, V. F. (2015) Perceived firm attributes and intrinsic motivation in sponsored OSS projects. Information Systems Research, 26(1), 224-237. (Shared first authorship)
Media coverage at the World Economic Forum: What motivates open source coders?
Professional Journal Articles
He, V. F. & Puranam, P. (2022) Organizing in the Metaverse. INSEAD Knowledge, June, 2022.
He., V. F., (2021) What makes a successful partnership between industry and academia? ESSEC Knowledge, Oct, 2021.
He, V. F., (2021) In the age of AI, do we still need researchers? ESSEC Knowledge, Special Issue “Artificial Intelligence and Technological Transformation,” April, 2021.
Book Chapters & Conference Proceedings
He, V. F. & Puranam, P. (2024) Collaborative organizing: Managing conflict without authority. Forthcoming in Snow & Fjeldstad (Eds.) Designing Adaptive Organizations. Cambridge University Press.
He, V. F. & Krähenmann, G. (2021) (Not) Learning from failure? The heavy toll of stigma on entrepreneurs, in Todt, Backmann, & Weiss (Eds.) Work Life after Failure. Emerald Publishing.
Wedl, C., Ben-Menahem, S., He, V. F., & von Krogh, G. (2018) What is innovation anyway? Creation of coercive and formal control for innovation processes. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Best Paper Proceeding.
He, V. F., Sirén, C., Singh, S., & Solomon, G. T. (2012) Why do some entrepreneurs fail forward (while others do not)? A moderated mediation model of entrepreneurial learning, emotional intelligence, and goal orientation. International Council for Small Business World Conference Best Paper Proceeding.
Working papers under review/revision
[Multimodal models and entrepreneurial decision-making], conditionally accepted by Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, with Shrestha YR.
[Conflict in self-organized collectives], R&R to Administrative Science Quarterly, with Massa F.
[Learning from collaboration failure], R&R to Organisation Science, with Jonassen Z & von Krogh G.
[Collaborative design of innovation controls], R&R to Academy of Management Journal, with Ben-Menahem S, von Krogh G & Wedl C.
[Algorithms and theories of emotion], R&R to Academy of Management Journal, with Stroe S, Burkhard B, Sirén C & Souitaris V.
[Algorithms and scientific methods], R&R to Strategic Management Journal, with Puranam P.
[Collective effort in new venture teams], under review in Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, with Sirén C, Jonassen Z & Wesemann, H.
[XR research collaboration], under review in Science, with van Zelderen A et al.
Ongoing Projects