This June 17-18, I co-organized the Decentralization in Organizations Conference (DiO 2024) with Ying-Ying Hsieh, Michael Y. Lee, Melissa Schilling, and Phanish Puranam. Please see our detailed program here.
Institutional Leadership
Director, Institute of Responsible Innovation
Advisory Board Member, Center for Aviation and Space Competence
Dissertation Committee
Matthias Tröbinger (2021-)
Zoe Jonassen (2017–2021)
*Zoe won the SNSF post-doc scholarship, hosted by NYU Stern.
Patrick Tinguely (2015–2020)
*Patrick won the OB Division Best Dissertation Paper Award, Academy of Management 2020.
Thomas Gersdorf (2014–2019)
*Thomas won the ETH Medal—the highest dissertation distinction for ETH graduates across all fields.
Editorial Review Board
Organization Science
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
Ad-Hoc Reviewer
Swiss National Science Foundation
Administrative Science Quarterly
Strategic Management Journal
Academy of Management Journal
Academy of Management Discovery
Organization Studies
Research Policy
Journal of Organization Design
Information Systems Review
Information Systems Journal
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
Journal of Business Venturing