Grounded theory & Mixed method
Gersdorf, T., He. V. F., Schlesinger, A., Koch, G., Widmer, H., & von Krogh, G. (2019) Demystifying industry-academia collaborations in drug discovery. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 18, 743-744.
Wedl, C., Ben-Menahem, S., He, V. F., & von Krogh, G. (2018) What is innovation anyway? Creation of coercive and formal control for innovation processes. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Best Paper Proceeding.
*He, V. F. & Krähenmann, G. (Not) Learning from failure? The heavy toll of stigma on entrepreneurs. Forthcoming in Todt, Backmann, & Weiss (Eds.) Work Life after Failure. Emerald Publishing. (*Equal contribution)
Wedl, C., Ben-Menahem, S., He, V. F., & von Krogh, G. How does control enable innovation? The coevolution of formal control and innovation strategy. 1st R&R in Administrative Science Quarterly.
He, V. F., von Krogh, G., Sirén, C., & Gersdorf, T. Goal divergence and team conflict asymmetries in university-industry collaboration. 2nd R&R in Research Policy.
He, V. F. & von Krogh, G. When does expertise diversity hinder knowledge creation? Evidence from pharmaceutical research collaborations. Under review in Organization Studies.
Longitudinal & Cross-sectional surveys
Sirén, C., He, V. F., Wesemann, H., Jonassen, Z., Grichnik, D., & von Krogh, G. (2020) Leader emergence in nascent venture teams: The interplay between individual emotion regulation and team emotions. Journal of Management Studies, 57(5), 931-961.
He, V. F., Sirén, C., Singh, S., Solomon, G. T., & von Krogh, G. (2018) Keep calm and carry on: Emotion regulation in entrepreneurs’ learning from failure. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 42(4), 605-630.
Späth, S., von Krogh, G., & *He, F. (2015) Perceived firm attributes and intrinsic motivation in sponsored OSS projects. Information Systems Research, 26(1), 224-237. (*Equal contribution)
He, V. F., Sirén, C., Singh, S., & Solomon, G. T. (2012) Why do some entrepreneurs fail forward (while others do not)? A moderated mediation model of entrepreneurial learning, emotional intelligence, and goal orientation. International Council for Small Business World Conference Best Paper Proceeding.
He, V. F., Sirén, C., Wesemann, H., Grichnik, D., & Wincent J. TMT learning asymmetry and firm innovation strategy: How powerful is CEO power? 2nd R&R in Journal of Management.
Tinguely, P., Ben-Menahem, S., He, V. F., & von Krogh, G. Employee creativity under time pressure: The role of energy and support for creativity. Under review in Journal of Applied Psychology.
Tinguely, P., He, V. F., Ben-Menahem, S., & von Krogh, G. (2020) The relation between mentor-protégé LMX disagreement and protégés’ turnover intentions. Academy of Management Annual Meeting [Won the AoM OB Division Best Dissertation-Based Paper Award]
Machine learning & Natural language processing
*He, V. F., Puranam P., Shrestha Y. R., & von Krogh, G. (2020) Resolving governance disputes in online communities: A study of license decisions in open source software projects. Forthcoming in Strategic Management Journal. (*Equal contribution)
Shrestha Y. R., *He, V. F., Puranam P., & von Krogh, G. (2020) Algorithmic induction through machine learning: Can we use predictions to theorize? Forthcoming in Organization Science. (*Equal contribution)
He, V. F., Sirén, C., Jonassen, Z., Wesemann, H., von Krogh, G. & Grichnik, D. (2020) The lasting effect of idea framing on idea development and nascent venture team survival. Working paper [Nominated for the SMS Best Conference Paper Award, Berkeley, 2020]